Problems of Theory Building in Sociology

Problems of Theoretical Construction of Sociology:

Theory building is a process. This process passes through several stages. Each stage is scientific and diverse. Since sociological theories are based on the practical study of complex and variable social phenomena, they are accurate, deep, systematic and long-term conclusions. Therefore, the process of theory formulation is also complex. Just as a researcher has to face many types of theoretical and practical problems during research work, similarly a theorist has to overcome many obstacles in the formation of sociological theory. A researcher completes the study of social phenomena in some way. After that the classification of the facts obtained, He has to exercise great care in tabulation and analysis. After that, on the basis of these facts, the rendering of conclusions is also very difficult and debatable. But theory building is a process even further. No conclusion of a researcher can be made the basis of theory. The novelty, scientificity, accuracy and rationality of the conclusions are such points which have an important place in the formulation of the theory. The slightest carelessness of a theorist can destroy the theory. Overall, theory building is a challenging task. Some of the problems a theorist may face in the formulation of the theory are: Reality and rationality are such points which have an important place in the formulation of the theory. The slightest carelessness of a theorist can destroy the theory. Overall, theory building is a challenging task. Some of the problems a theorist may face in the formulation of the theory are: Reality and rationality are such points which have an important place in the formulation of the theory. The slightest carelessness of a theorist can destroy the theory. Overall, theory building is a challenging task. Some of the problems a theorist may face in the formulation of the theory are:

 (1) Perceptual Complexity –

 As Turner also believes, concept is a key element of theory formation. In theory formulation, it is absolutely necessary for the conceptual provision to be scientific, clear, logical and accurate. It is often seen that the concepts in sociology are not solved technically, that is why sociological theories do not become universal. Attention needs to be paid to this.

(2) To change the nature of data

The basis of theory is empirical study. These studies are done in relation to a social phenomenon (which is often in the form of a social problem). The facts collected after empirical study are in the form of nouns. Nouns do not speak. It is a difficult task to draw any conclusion on the basis of them, whereas it is necessary to have the conclusions for the formulation of the theory. In this form, it is a challenging task to give qualitative form to these numerical facts.

(3) Lack of universality –

 Social events are the basis of sociological theories. Social events are directly related to country, time and situation. It is not always possible to apply the conclusions of an event that happened in one country, time and situation to another country, time or situation. The sociological theories being built on this basis should also be considered in every way.

Cannot be applied. This position is against universalism whereas sociological principles should be universal in nature.

(4) Variability of social events –

A thorough study of any social phenomenon takes a substantial amount of time. By the time the study of social phenomenon is completed, conclusions come out from it. By then, there is a possibility of change in the nature of that social event. In this situation it becomes difficult to formulate any theory. At the same time, social events are complex and complicated. It is not easy to understand them completely through study. How can a scientific sociological theory be replaced when the study itself and the conclusions derived from it are confused and ambiguous?



Importance of Sociological Theories:

Sociological theories have an important place in sociology.

Abraham has tried to draw our attention to the following eight functions of sociological theory:

 (1) Sociological theories point to possible problems and meaningful hypotheses that form the basis of new investigations or studies.

 (2) Sociological theories help in making predictions about facts. A semantic theory, being based on insightful knowledge, historical analysis, and observation of social similarities, provides a solid foundation for forecasting.

 (3) Sociological theories organize the relationship between subject matter and facts and provide a simple conceptual plan.

(4) Sociological theories provide a link between specific empirical findings and sociological orientations and thereby increase the significance of research.

 (5) By providing meaning, sociological theories also attest to the truth.

(6) Sociological theories guide the research and also delimit the range of facts to be studied.

 (7) Sociological theories are also instruments of investigation. They provide assistance in the preparation of research design.

(8) Sociological theories point out the errors in our knowledge and help to correct them.



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