निर्धनता को दूर करने के उपाय 

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 निर्धनता को दूर करने के उपाय


The following measures can prove useful in alleviating India’s poverty:


 . Improvement in the condition of agriculture – India is an agricultural country. For this reason, to remove the poverty of this country, it is also necessary to improve the condition of agriculture. Improving the condition of the land, providing irrigation facilities, mobilizing quality seeds, fertilizers and agricultural implements, encouraging consolidation, cooperatives etc. can be some important measures in this regard.


 . Rate of illiteracy – To get rid of poverty, first of all, we have to try to remove illiteracy from the country. Such an improvement will have to be made in today’s prevailing education system so that students can prove useful in the practical world. Also, there should be proper arrangement for industrial education and training.


To inculcate the habit of saving – The habit of saving has to be inculcated among the people by providing more facilities through publicity. At the same time, efforts will also have to be made that people make unproductive accumulation of their savings.


 . Raising health standards – Efforts will be made by the government, employers and other social-service organizations that the health level of the public can be improved and it should be freed from terrible diseases. For this, medical facilities will have to be increased and proper houses will have to be arranged.


 . Proper banking and credit facilities – For the economic development of the country, it is very necessary that adequate and proper banking and credit facilities should be made available in the country. In this regard, special attention will have to be given to the villages so that they can get sufficient funds for the development of agriculture and rural industry.

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. Development of industries – In order to remove poverty, there is a need to develop more and more industrial machines and capital goods industries. Industries and factories related to airplanes, ships, motor cars, iron and steel, electrical goods, scientific instruments, heavy chemicals, etc., and small and cottage industries will have to be encouraged more and more.


 . Changes in social institutions – To overcome the complex problem of poverty, it is necessary to make many changes in social institutions as well. The first requirement in this regard is to make changes in the institution of marriage. There are many such practices related to the institution of marriage in Indian society, due to which unnecessary expenditure is incurred. Not only this, many people take loans due to these practices and thus it is the mother who remains in the clutches of poverty. For example, Dowry system is such a custom which is the main reason for the poor condition of innumerable people. Caste system is also one such social institution which contributes to increase poverty. Due to the restrictions of caste-system, a person does not get the opportunity to do business according to his interest and ability and he is not able to improve his economic condition. Therefore, in an institution called caste, it is necessary that it should not interfere in the economic life of a person. Apart from this, many types of superstitions and rituals are found in the Indian society, in respect of which a person has to spend a lot of money, such as in Hindu society, unnecessary money is spent on naming ceremony, mundan rites, sacrificial rites, death rites. Actually , By creating public opinion against all such rituals and superstitions, a very large part of a person’s income can be saved. Not only this, it is necessary to make changes in the institution called family to remove poverty. In this regard nuclear families should be encouraged instead of joint families. In fact, joint family makes a person lazy and useless whereas in nuclear family the person gets incentive to earn income by working more and more. It is thus clear that making changes in social institutions will be a necessary and important step in the direction of eradicating poverty. Joint family makes a person lazy and useless, whereas in nuclear family, the person gets incentive to earn income by working more and more. It is thus clear that making changes in social institutions will be a necessary and important step in the direction of eradicating poverty. Joint family makes a person lazy and useless, whereas in nuclear family, the person gets incentive to earn income by working more and more. It is thus clear that making changes in social institutions will be a necessary and important step in the direction of eradicating poverty.

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. Former member of Planning Commission Dr. Rajkrishna has suggested a seven – point program to remove poverty in the country , these are – ( i ) Employment Guarantee Scheme like Maharashtra , ( ii ) Antyodaya Yojana , ( iii ) time bound plan for irrigation and fertilizer , ( iv ) ) Grain for Work Scheme, (v) Small Farmers Development Program (vi) Operation Flood Scheme for Dairy Development, (vii) Minimum Needs Programme.


Government Efforts to Eradicate Poverty


To solve the problem of poverty alleviation in India, many efforts have been made and are being done by the Central and State Governments, some of which are briefly discussed below:


. Development of heavy industries in the country – Due to the sufficient natural resources in the country, there is a lot of potential for industrial progress. In the Seventh Plan, Rs 22,971 crore has been proposed to be spent on this item. It is hoped that this will provide employment to a large number of people in the country and poverty will be reduced.


. Promotion of village and small scale industries – In the context of Indian conditions, it is necessary that maximum encouragement should be given to small and cottage industries in the country. This will give more and more employment opportunities to the people. The new government at the Center has accepted this fact. 2752 in this item in the Seventh Plan for the same purpose. 74 crore was spent.

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 . Development of Education – In order to remove poverty, it is considered necessary that the level of productivity of the whole nation should be raised by expanding the facilities of general and technical education and teaching. For this purpose, Rs 904 crore was spent on general education in the fourth plan, 1324 crore in the fifth plan. 24 crores and 2523 in the sixth plan. 74 crores, while in the Seventh Five Year Plan this head was Rs.7770. 95 crore is estimated to be spent. Apart from this, a vigorous National Literacy Mission program has been made to make 8 crore adult illiterate literates in the country. Under this scheme, three crore people will be made literate by 1990 and five crore people by 1995. For this, during the Seventh Plan period, an amount of 1 billion 300 crores has been fixed in the central sector and 2 billion 300 crores in the state sector. With the aim of making radical changes in the education system of the country, the new education policy has been implemented so that it can meet the contemporary needs of the country.


 Health and Family Welfare Program – Many efforts have been made by the government to remove the defects arising out of bad health and also to not allow the population growth to increase too rapidly. 2 in this item in the Sixth Plan. 831. There was a provision of Rs.05 crores. About 9 billion rupees were spent on these programs in the Seventh Plan. In the budget of the year 1990-91, the Central Government had made a provision of Rs.950 crore for this item.


  . Antyodaya Program – In many states in which Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are prominent. ‘Antyodaya program’ was started. The main objective of this program is to improve and strengthen their place in the society by providing as much facilities as possible to the Harijans, landless, backward castes and economically weaker sections of the society. .


 , Twenty Point Economic Program – Former Prime Minister Late in the direction of eradicating poverty of the country. The twenty-point program presented by Shrimati Gandhi has made a remarkable contribution. Not only this, in August 1986, the former Prime Minister of the country announced a new ‘Twenty Point Program’ 1986. The first session of this program is ‘Struggle Against Poverty’. In short, the new twenty sessions are as follows – (1) struggle against poverty, (2) rain-dependent agricultural development, (3) better use of irrigation water, (4) improved agriculture, more production, (5) land reforms, ( 6) Special program for rural workers, (7) clean drinking water, (8) health for all, (9) family of two children, (10) educated nation (11 scheduled castes-tribes, justice, (12) Equality for women, (13) New opportunities for youth, (14) Housing for all, (15) Improvement of tight settlements, (16) Forest extension, (17) Environmental protection, (18) Consumer welfare (19) Energy for villages, (20) Responsible administration. 9987 under the head of the twenty – point program for 22 states during 1988 – 89 . An outlay of Rs.79 crore was approved.

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. Unemployment Removal Programs – At the government level, more and more efforts are being made to remove unemployment or unemployment in the country. In this context, a few years ago, the grain program for work was started in the country. To make this program more effective, ‘National Rural Employment Program’ (NREP) has been started from October, 1980. A total of Rs 1874 crore was spent on this program during the sixth plan and Rs 2, 3092 crore in the seventh plan, and employment was provided for 17, 750 lakh and 14, 780 lakh working days respectively. In the year 1988-89, Rs 572 crore was spent on this programme. On August 15, 1983, Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program (RLEGP) has been started to provide maximum employment in villages. 394 crores and 2640 crores respectively during the 6th and 7th plans under this program. 2630 lakhs and 11.00 lakhs respectively by spending Rs. Provided employment for 500 lakh working days. Similarly, since August 15, 1979, more than 17 lakh 94 thousand youths have been trained under the ‘National Scheme of Training for Self-Employed Rural Youth’ (TRYSEM) as a centrally sponsored scheme.


  . Jawahar Rozgar Yojana – With effect from 1st April 1989, ‘National Rural Employment Program’ and ‘Grameen Landless Employment Guarantee Program’ were merged into a single rural employment program known as ‘Jawahar Rozgar Yojana’ (JRY). Under this new employment scheme, at least one member of 4 crore 40 lakh families below poverty line will get employment in villages through panchayats. 2 for this scheme in the year 1989-90. 623. 08 crores Rs. A provision of 80 was placed between the Center and the States: was divided on the basis of 20. The primary objective of this program is to create additional gainful employment opportunities for unemployed and underemployed persons in rural areas. Apart from this, there are other goals – to create productive community assets to provide direct and sustainable benefits to the poor so that their development can happen at a rapid pace and the level of income of the rural poor can be raised, and (2) all aspects of rural life Improvement of the parties During the year 1989-90, an amount of 2, 100 crores was given to the districts as part of the center and the annual target was to provide employment for 9120 lakh man-days.


 . The Central Government has started a new “Credit Scheme for Urban Poor” with effect from 1st September, 1986 to remove urban poverty. About 7 lakh urban poor were expected to benefit from this scheme by March 1990.


  Integrated Rural Development Program – ‘Integrated Rural Development Programme’ is the main front of the government’s strategy to reduce poverty in villages. The main objective of this program is to raise the families of the identified target groups above the poverty line and to create sufficient additional opportunities of self-employment in the villages. The strategy of this program in the Seventh Five Year Plan had two aspects – first, to strengthen the successes in the Sixth Plan and supplementary assistance should be given to the families which, for no fault of their own, have not yet risen above the poverty line. Secondly, to assist the new beneficiary in such a way that they can cross the poverty line with the help received for the first time. During the Seventh Plan, 180 lakh families were assisted. In this total 8852. 35 crores were invested, while 4762 in the sixth plan. Assistance was given to 165 lakh families by appropriating Rs 78 crore. More than 45 percent assistance was given to the families of scheduled castes and tribes. In 1988-89, 25 percent women were given assistance under this program. There is now a 50 percent increase in the financial assistance given to the families of the scheduled castes and the upper limit of the amount of financial assistance has been increased to Rs.5,000. In this, in the period 1990-91, about 8 of these castes. It is estimated that 5 lakh families will get benefit. The biggest advantage of the Integrated Rural Development Program was that it benefited a large number of the identified poor and the most needed section of the society and crossed the poverty line.


निर्धनता एवं अपर्याप्त पोषण में सम्बन्ध

 ( Relationship between Poverty and mal – nutrition )



 – यह बिल्कुल स्पष्ट बात है कि निर्धनता और अपर्याप्त पोषण एक – दूसरे से घनिष्ट रूप से सम्बन्धित हैं । निर्धनता की जंजीरों से जकड़ा व्यक्ति पेट – भर भोजन जुटाने की बात पहले सोचता है और फल , दूध , घी तथा अन्य पौष्टिक आहारों की बात तो उसके लिए सपना बनकर ही रह जाती है । निर्धनता के कारण उस व्यक्ति में इतनी क्रय – शक्ति नहीं होती कि वह अपने लिए पर्याप्त पोषण का प्रबन्ध कर सके । विद्वानों का मत है कि साधारण – सा काम करने वाले व्यक्ति को प्रतिदिन 2 , 500 से 2 , 600 कैलोरी , मेहनत – मजदूरी करने वाले व्यक्ति को 2 , 800 से 3 , 000 कैलोरी , स्कूल के छोटे बालकों को 1 , 600 तथा बड़े बालकों को 2 , 400 कैलोरी की आवश्यकता है । इस आधार पर सामान्य वयस्क पुरुष के लिए प्रतिदिन 3 , 000 कैलोरी का भोजन आवश्यक समझा जाता है , परन्तु निर्धनता के कारण भारत में उसे , जैसा कि प्रो० . एन . आर . धर ( Prof N . R . Dhar ) ने कहा है 1 , 628 कैलोरी ही मिलती है । दूसरे शब्दों में , हम यह कह सकते हैं कि छोटे बालकों को जितनी कैलोरी या पोषक पदार्थ मिलना चाहिए , लगभग उतना हमारे देश में वयस्क व्यक्तियों को मिलता है । इतना ही नहीं , भारत में निर्धनता के ही कारण प्रति व्यक्ति केवल 5 औंस दूध दिया जाता है , जबकि उन्हें 25 औंस पीना चाहिए । कनाडा में 56 . 8 औंस , आस्ट्रेलिया में 44 . 5 औंस , इंगलैण्ड में 40 . 7 और अमरीका में 35 . 6 औंस दूध प्रति व्यक्ति दिया जाता है । गर्भवती और प्रसूता स्त्रियों को कम से कम 33 . 8 औंस दूध मिलना चाहिए , परन्तु निर्धनता का दानव भारत में असंख्य माताओं को दूध । तो क्या भोजन भी ठीक से प्राप्त नहीं करने देता है । भारतवासियों में व्याप्त घोर निर्धनता के कारण उनके अपर्याप्त पोषण की जो स्थिति है उस = सम्बन्ध में होने वाली अब तक की जाँच – पड़ताल से यह निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि दो – तिहाई परिवार किसी भी प्रकार के फल और अन्य ऐसी चीजें नहीं खाते । लगभग एक – तिहाई परिवार मछली , मांस , अण्डा आदि किसी प्रकार का सामिष भोजन नहीं पाते और एक चौथाई परिवार द्वारा दध व ध से बनी अन्य चीजें अथवा पत्ते वाली सब्जियों , अन्य तरकारियों , घी और वनस्पति तेल और दालों के उपयोग सिफारिश किये गय . मान से नीचे हैं । पड़ताल किये गये पाँच में से केवल एक परिवार में दालों और अन्य सब्जियों का उपयोग सिफारिश किये गये स्तर के बराबर है । अन्त में , इस सम्बन्ध में योजना आयोग के भी कथन को प्रस्तुत किया जा सकता है कि ” हमारा देश अभी निर्धनता के कारण ही प्रगति के उस स्तर तक नहीं पहुँच पाया है जिस पर समस्त देशवासियों के लिए सन्तुलित मात्रा के अनुसार अन्न तथा दूसरे प्रकार के पर्याप्त पदार्थों की पूर्ति सम्भव हो सके । “






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